Sunday, January 19, 2014

Photo a Day: weeks 1-2

Well hello there!  It's me, Kelsey.  Remember me?  It's been a while;-D
Before Christmas was my last post.  I didn't wish you Merry Christmas (so here's a belated Merry Christmas) and didn't post any totally sparkly NYE ideas (sickness and busyness were running rampant).  But alas, I am back!  And pretty excited for this new year, because I've got some fun stuff lined up!  I can't wait to show you!!!!
In the meantime, today's post.  On the first day of 2014, I challenged my sister (@ladylarza) to the #fmsphotoaday challenge.  I hope to do a post every two weeks with the pictures that we've taken.  If you've got Insta, you can follow along with our hashtag #fancyladyphotoaday (my handle is @fancythatnotion).  If not, you can just follow on here!
[Day 1: lunch]

[Day 2: starts with "g"]

[Day 3: your hometown]

[Day 4: words to live by]

[Day 5: found]

[Day 6: happens everyday]

[Day 7: upside down]

[Day 8: number]

[Day 9: natural]

[Day 10: manmade]

[Day 11: looking down]

[Day 12: colorful]

[Day 13: makes me smile]

[Day 14: 3 things]



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